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    摩尔多瓦经济部长Adrian Candu于2014年10月1日发表声明:分别启动与中国和美国两个重要经济体就双边自贸协定的谈判。

Republic of Moldova began to negotiate about two Free Trade Agreements with two important economic powers, USA and China. The announcement was made on Wednesday, 1st of October by the Minister of Economy, Adrian Candu.

The official specified that Moldova sent a proposal of an Agreement to China. China has showed its availability to initiate the negotiations and to sign the Agreement.

Regarding US, Candu said that he will make an official visit to Washington the following week, where he will discuss an Agreement with some preferences, of course.

"We will make all possible so that the farmers and the manufacturers from Moldova will have enough resources to improve their power of production, the quality of their products and to export them to foreign markets", mentioned Candu.

The trades between China and Moldova are equal with $485.41 million in Moldovan exports, while the trades with US are appreciated at about $98.84 million in exports.


